Thursday, February 27, 2003

Can't Stop Thinking About It

It's actually a bit hard for me to get back to reviewing comics and all today. I mean, it's not like Mr Rogers died incredibly early or something. He lived a full life, had made his mark on the world. But I'm still feeling... at a loss. When Jim Henson died, I cried for hours. I'm not crying now, but I definitely feel drained. And yet at work, when we started talking about it, we started to laugh and smile remembering what he'd done. He made an impact, and the world is a poorer place now that he's gone.

Rapid Reviews - 26 Feb 2003 - Part II

JLA #78: Interesting set-up. It's not a situation you usually see the League in, so that's something. But the storyline doesn't really do much for me. 2 1/2 starfish

JLA/Spectre: Soul War #2: If you are a big Hal Jordan fan, and a big Batman fan, this is the book for you. Otherwise, it's one to avoid. 2 starfish

Titans #50: Tempest is on the cover, but not inside. This whole story could have been told in one issue and would have been mildly interesting that way. As written, it's far too drawn out and concludes too quickly. 2 starfish

Supergirl #79: Hey! Aquaman's in this book! Ok, only in one scene, entirely in the background, but that's pretty cool, too. The contrast between Linda and Kara's experiences is fascinating, and really makes this issue the bittersweet penultimate issue that it is. 4 starfish

Green Arrow #21: Nice conclusion to the Archer's Quest. Not what I expected from Ollie. It wasn't the best storyline overall, but it ended satisfactorily. I find myself wondering what Scott McCullar thinks of the book, being as great a Green Arrow fan as I am an Aquaman fan. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Gotham Adventures, Amazing Spider-Man, Ruse, and Usagi Yojimbo.