Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Random Thoughts

Part two of Orson Scott Card's discussion of file-sharing. Again, read it, link to it.

DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK. Really. I'm warning you. DON'T DO IT (unless you don't have flash installed or don't have sound on your computer, then it would be alright). I'm linking to this site under duress. You've been warned. We like tha moon. via Mark Evanier and Scott McCloud, curse you both

We got our freezer delivered yesterday, and it wouldn't fit through the doorway into the room we intended to put it into, so it's out on our back porch. The delivery guy showed us the lock and said that it wouldn't keep anyone who was determined to get into it from breaking it open, as a person with a crowbar could make short work of the lock. I told him I was more worried about smart raccoons and possums... at which point he said we should be fine, unless they happen to carry crowbars with them. So now I've got visions of crowbar wielding raccoons approaching our new freezer going through my head. Lovely.

Nothing new to report on the Marysville strike, except that some students are staging a sit-in. I wish them luck, and hope it draws a good chunk of media attention. Some other places to get information: the Marysville parents message board, The Marysville Education Association Website, The MSD Commons, the Everett Herald's Marysville section, and The Marysville School District Website. For a personal look at life on the line, there's my hubby, a first-year teacher caught up in this mess through no fault of his own.