Friday, October 24, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 22 October 2003 - Part I

Smallville: Slumber [3-04]: Clark's dreams are... not as intense as you would expect, unless that interruption really interrupted the good bits. Anyway, long dream sequence that became increasingly obvious as a dream sequence, followed by some good touches. But neat special effects do not a story make. This one could've been better. 3 1/2 starfish

Justice League: Maid of Honor: Wonder Woman goes clubbing. Fun. This one had some high points (I think the best bit was when I recognized what a mass driver was before hubby-trivia-genuis did), but overall left me a little flat. It was ok, but not outstanding. 3 1/2 starfish

Archard's Agents: Pugilistic Pete: Ok, that was a pretty funny way to finish the story. Nothing special here, but it was fun. Overall. 3 1/2 starfish

Wildguard #2: And here I was voting for Aqua-Chica... *sigh* Maybe I'll start voting for Toughlon. This is a fun one. I keep thinking it's been five or six issues, so much has been crammed into these first two. I like it. 4 starfish

Still to review: Birds of Prey, Avengers/JLA, Cinnamon, Amazing Spider-Man, and Outsiders.