Friday, November 14, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 12 November 2003 - Part III

Aquaman #12: This was/is Rick Veitch's last issue. And while I haven't enjoyed every issue in his run as much as I wanted to, I am sorry to see him go. I think he had a vision for the book that was derailed by the editorial change early on, and everything after that was marking time while still trying to put out the best possible book. He was saddled with an art team that didn't fit his style, and apparently didn't read his scripts. His original vision shines through at times, but the story felt drawn out overall. In the end, though, he managed to leave the series with a new status quo established, one that new writers can choose to play with in detail or avoid the bits they don't like. He also had one heckuva last issue in many ways, with the JLA guesting and the threat finally met when Aquaman uses his brains. Thanks Rick, it wasn't perfect, but I liked it. 4 starfish

Ruse #25: Gah! Who decided that a 19 page gag with only three pages of actual story was worth printing? I just plain didn't like it. 2 1/2 starfish

Smallville: Magnetic [3-07]: I felt like I've seen this episode before. Lana gets into trouble, Clark goes to help even though Lana isn't interested in his help, but Clark turns out to be right and is happy that Clark was there after all. Almost the same plot as that dude who could double himself, only without Chloe as a second love interest. Good bits: Lex and Chloe and the whole interplay there. Lana's acceptance of Seth's powers, which may indicate that Clark will reveal his abilities to Lana before the show ends. 3 starfish

Still to review: 1602, PS238, and Conan.