Friday, November 28, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 26 November 2003 - Part I

JLA #90: This reminds me of the infamous Superman issue of JLA, in which Lex takes the country to war without evidence while Superman watches in indecision. This issue had the same disjointed storytelling technique... except this time we were warned of what was coming. Even so, I found it irritating and ineffective. While the idea being explored was interesting enough, the snippets were lame and unsatisfying. In short, I didn't like it. 2 1/2 starfish

JLA-Z #3: None of the pin-ups jump out at me this month, so this just gets a standard rating of "I enjoyed it, but it was nothing special." 3 1/2 starfish

JLA/Avengers #3: I'm very interested in seeing other reviews of this issue, as I think this was the best one yet, and I liked the second issue where many reviewers didn't. One thing I really need for this issue is a way of telling who all these heroes are. I think I spotted the blue-suited Aquaman at one point, but I'm not sure it's not another hero with a similar costume. I want annotations for this one. Lots and lots of Aquaman in this one, too, and not much out of character (although he seemed even more Namorish than usual). Fascinating to see Aquaman with his manica and galerus and yet still with two hands. 4 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Batman Adventures, Empire, Amazing Spider-Man, Green Lantern, Superman: The Kansas Sighting, and Usagi Yojimbo.