Friday, March 12, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 10 March 2004 - Part IV

Fallen Angel #9: Whoa. Again, this book confounds me. I still can't figure out why I'm reading it! In part, I wonder who or what Lee really is. In part, I wonder what this town has to do with the DCU. But overall, I'm just really curious. Keep up the mystery, and this book will probably keep me. 4 starfish

Powers #37: Well, that's the end of the strange monkey porn storyline started back in the infamous issue #31 (which I was right about). And while there are some hints there about Walker's abilities, there's also a lot more. We'll have to see how this goes, starting with the next issue... vol 2 #1. I'm not really sure what to think of this issue, but I think I'm looking forward to the relaunch. 3 1/2 starfish

And a special bonus review:

Noble Causes Vol I: In Sickness and In Health: Hubby-Eric says he read this while working at the store over the summer. My first taste of it was this free sample from the Emerald City Comic Con, the whole first volume. In a pretty nice package, no less. Better yet, the main artist is none other than new Aquaman artist Patrick Gleason, so I get to see more of his work. The story was good. Interesting and with lots of twists and turns. I also enjoyed the back-up story. I think I may have to get more of this series, and I'm very happy this was a giveaway at the con. 4 starfish

Shipping St Patrick's Day (according to the list): Abadazad, Batman Adventures, Secret Identity, Smallville, Aquaman, The New Frontier, Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, and Wizard Edge (with a Powers Preview story).