Monday, April 05, 2004

Random Thoughts

A hearty welcome to Heidi MacDonald and her new blog Seventh World. Not much there at the moment, but I'm sure that will change soon. Update: I was e-mailed by Heidi and asked to please remove the link, so I've done so.

Fred Hembeck has a new feature on his website called Freddy Drewit. This page will feature original artwork from Fred on a regular basis. I hope he does an Aquaman sometime.

It looks like everybody is leaving CrossGen. I wonder if we'll ever see another issue of Abadazad?

Joss Whedon tells Angel fans to keep writing. If you want to step up and try to get the show back, go to the Save Angel Campaign Site.

Big news in the comics world is the rumor reported by Rich Johnson's Lying in the Gutters that Powers may be moving to Marvel. It's yellow-lit, so take it with a chunk of salt.

Anyone who doesn't read Neil Gaiman's blog needs to go read this entry. It's pretty bad when a school starts expelling people and firing teachers like this, then barring people from coming to campus to speak about free speech.

My sister reported seeing a large bit of graphitti on the freeway yesterday that said "Kurt Lives!" She suspected it had something to do with a once-local rock celebrity, and she was probably correct.

A democrat blogger who grew up in war-torn El Salvador expresses disdain for four dead mercenaries, stating "screw them", and a huge fuss goes up among republicans who call for an ad boycott of his blog and get Kerry's campaign to de-link him. A republican advocates murder (by nuclear bomb) of at least 250,000 Iraqis, most of them completely innocent, and no similar fuss goes up, even though she's linked by Bush's campaign. Do none of the republicans see the irony?