Monday, April 05, 2004

Rapid Reviews - Demo #4-5

Demo #4: Wow, what a cover! She says it was intentionally made to look like a propaganda poster, and that's what it does to you. You aren't sure what this one will deliver. Like the first three books, someone has powers. But it's secondary to who the person is. And the events in the book tell us what kind of a person he is. But slowly. None of these stories rush events. They are all paced perfectly. I have only one nit with this story, and it involves the artwork. Three of the characters have shaved heads, and in a couple of spots it's hard to tell two of them apart. After a second read-through, I saw that there were more differences than I realized at first, but it still made reading it hard in points. Other than that minor problem, this was another excellent issue of a very excellent series. 4 starfish

Demo #5: Hmmm. If there's one thing I really like about this book, it's that every issue makes you think. There's a veritable feast for thought in each issue. And this one, although it falls flat for me on several levels, definitely makes me think. But this is the first issue that I feel has a real problem. I'm loathe to criticize, as I did enjoy the book, but the artwork just didn't work. Kate physically changes, right? But we only get to see the changes dramatically on one page, with a couple of other minor changes. It's not enough for me, even with the majority of the story focusing on the stalker side of the tale. So I was very mildly disappointed in the art on this one, but it's still a leap above most other comics out there. Still recommended, just not as highly as the first four. 3 1/2 starfish

And, in case you still don't know how to get these, go to your local comic shop and give them these backorder codes: Demo #1 - SEP03 1995, Demo #2 - OCT03 2016, Demo #3 - NOV03 1967, Demo #4 - DEC03 2041, Demo #5 - JAN04 2043, Demo #6 - FEB04 2047, and Demo #7 - APR04 2236.

Coming on Wednesday: Plastic Man, Amelia Rules, Swamp Thing, Amazing Spider-Man, Superman: Birthright, Thor, Justice League Adventures, and Supreme Power. If everything ships and UPS doesn't mess up again.