Monday, April 19, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 14 April 2004 - Part VI

1602 Part Eight: Oooh. It was a long wait for the final issue, especially with that cliffhanger, but it worked. I'm going to have to pull the series together and read the whole thing from the start. I particularly liked the way the series was finally wrapped up... with endless possibilities still open. Even though this is in continuity, I can't help but think of it as a Marvel Elseworld, and I'll be sorely tempted by any other stories that might end up set in the 1602 universe. 4 starfish

One last note, can anyone identify the "President-for-life" for me? Neil says on his blog it's a Marvel character, but I don't know any that fit.

Common Grounds #4: We get three stories in this issue, and they don't disappoint. "Time of Their Lives" was good, but really needed the twist ending. "Fat Chance" was another viewpoint on what life as an adventurer really requires. It also had a lot to do with being willing to confront yourself, as opposed to blaming outside forces. And "Glory Days" was just oddly beautiful. Like some sort of superhero poem. A ballad in artwork. Very nice. 4 starfish

AIT/Planet Lar box random pick number three: Channel Zero: Jennie One.

Channel Zero: Jennie One by Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan: After liking Demo so much, I suppose I came into reading this one with a sense that I would enjoy it no matter what. Well, I was wrong. I just don't get it. Perhaps part of it was that I was never a rebellious youth. I don't identify with the main character even remotely. Part of it is that this doesn't seem to be the whole story. This is a set-up, or a postscript. Jennie mentions the internet, but we don't see that part except as an open laptop. She claims to have made a name for herself, but whatever it was she did isn't shown. The jumps in time are also annoying... the only way to follow the action is to check out how many tattoos she has. In short, this did almost nothing for me. 2 1/2 starfish

Coming Wednesday for me to review: Batman Adventures, Secret Identity, Outsiders, and Arrowsmith/Astro City. And hopefully something else, though I'm not counting on it. And Previews... I'll be doing a "Flipping Through Previews" post sometime in the next week and a half. And let me just send another little curse to Elayne for managing to get me, my husband, and my little sister all addicted to Bookworm. Three people, each playing the game on their laptop. The conversation consisting of "that's not a word?" and "Hey, 'Qua' is a word!"