Thursday, May 13, 2004

Random Thoughts

Via Fanboy Rampage comes some news that makes a sort of sense, but I certainly never expected to hear. Mike Allred's latest project is called "The Golden Plates" and is a comic book adaptation of the Book of Mormon. Nothing short of bankruptcy could stop me from getting this.

An all-new blog started by some Usenet veterans, including the unforgettable Mike Chary, is up... welcome the Howling Curmudgeons to the blogosphere. I strongly recommend Mike's Arrogant Guide to Reviewing to any and all people who might be inclined to review anything. And I should probably make myself re-read it each time I'm about to start on my Rapid Reviews.

Polite Dissent discusses buying comics on eBay. I sold a handful of magazines on eBay once, and graded them about the way I would expect someone to grade them. I was very surprised to get responses from everyone who bought them that ranged from "This was in so much better condition than I expected" to "I can't believe you parted with such a gem!" I realized then that I'm a pretty hard grader... which is odd, because I've never been disappointed with a book I've gotten from eBay.

Larry Young lists his 22 must-read comic book blogs and asks if there are any others he ought to know about. Looks like a pretty good list to me. Everyone who has an RSS feed is already in my Blogline.

Another first-time reaction to Hellboy from Graeme. I had about the same reaction, too. It's really good, isn't it?

Oh dear. The Onion nails one aspect of females attending male-dominated conventions. Via Monitor Duty.

I'm honored that my little "Da Vinci Code" review got some attention. Thank you, Jeremy from Australia.

Update. Here's a couple more links I don't feel like saving for tomorrow:

Scott at Polite Dissent posts another winner: 10 Reasons I Like Comic Blogs.

The Modulator points us to this Photo Essay of Modern Ruins. Definitely worth a look. Or two.