Thursday, May 13, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 12 May 2004 - Part I

Neo Dawn #1: I bought this because it's a local company (Committed Comics) whose artists I have often managed to get sketches from, though I don't have sketches from the artists on this book. I also wanted to complain to them about the font used, but felt that I couldn't justify complaining unless I bought the book. And Carol, who works at the shop, said it was pretty good. That said, this wasn't half bad. Which means it was more-than-half good. Decent artwork, somewhat intriguing storyline, and a trio of characters that start out seeming to be one thing, then turn into something else. I have a lot of nits, which I'll mostly save for my e-mail to the company (if I get around to writing it), but one thing that bothered me more than any other was the font used by the corporate guy in an information dump. It was hard to read, and there was a little too much telling without much showing. For the purposes of a three-issue mini I'll forgive that, but it seems like a rookie mistake that Committed shouldn't be making. I'm afraid I can only mildly recommend it, but the unexpected quality of it has made me consider getting another Committed title, "Java!" again. This company might be one to watch. 3 1/2 starfish

El Cazador #6: This book has an aura of doom hanging over it. No, not within the pages themselves. The artwork is gorgeous and carries the story. And the story is adequate, if not as thrilling as I'd like. No, the doom is from CrossGen's situation and the certainty that Steve Epting won't be on the book much longer. Someday, a few years down the line, I'd like to re-read all the issue of El Cazador without the worry and anger hanging over it and see if I like it better. Until then, though, I can't really enjoy this book. And it's a shame, because part of me really thinks I'm selling this book short, and that it's a lot better than I'm giving it credit for. I wonder why I don't have the same problem with Abadazad? 3 1/2 starfish

Thieves & Kings #44: Might as well finish up my first Rapid Review post of this week's comics with another book from a non-major publisher. Anyway, this is another strong issue. Mark clearly has his muse back and is running with it. This issue focuses on one of the supporting characters, and Rubel, who is arguably the main character, doesn't appear at all. After I read it I had to go back and read it again, as the conflict in the issue is almost all within dialogue, and yet I found it amazingly compelling. I'm very interested to see where this story goes next, as it's been pretty much unpredictable right from the start. 4 starfish

Still to review: Aquaman, Smallville, Fallen Angel, H-E-R-O, JLA, JSA, and Green Arrow. I want to point out that we also got Doctor Who: Iron Legion this week, but I don't have any idea when I'll get a chance to (re-)read it, much less review it. It's HUGE. And it's a very nice reprint of some very cool old stories.