Thursday, May 20, 2004

Random Thoughts

Thought Balloons thoughtfully points us to the second half of the Namor story on Movie Poop Shoot.

Ah, Young Iraqi Blogger In Love.

There's another attempt to legislate morality, and to keep parents from having to do the hard work of parenting. The CBLDF reports on what appears to be another despicable piece of legislation from people who want to make the world safe for their narrow minds. Remember: Some parents think that Harry Potter is harmful to their kids. Under this law, they could sue for $10000 anyone who makes the books available to their children (they wouldn't win, but they could sure make life miserable). Via Newsarama, via Thought Balloons and a dozen other blogs.

Andy Kaufman Returns. Is he, or isn't he? Well, if it isn't, I suspect Andy Kaufman would have approved.

Demo #6 came out yesterday, but there was none for me. Nope, my shop had to reorder, and got shorted. So, no Demo for me yet!

I also learned yesterday (and maybe some comics journalist, if any actually exist, could find out the story) that Nodwick and PS238 have been cancelled by Diamond under a code 3. That's a generic cancel code that could mean just about anything. Does anyone know why, and whether the books will be resolicited? It would be criminal to lose one of the best all-ages books in the business.

Disappointed by the movie Troy? Go pick up Age of Bronze from a local comic shop, or order the first trade on-line. Spread the word... this is the best retelling of the Trojan War to come down the pike, and it's out there... go grab it! And read the interview with Eric Shanower at Archaeology Magazine.

I'm still interested in hearing about gasoline prices where you are (even if you aren't in the US). What did you pay last time you filled up?