Saturday, May 29, 2004

Random Thoughts

How about a bunch of 404 errors in other languages? Via The Modulator.

Donald Duck through the ages. Check out all the "raums". Via Hit & Run.

Oh, this one made me laugh for quite some time... Animal Rights Barbecue. heh. Heh. HA! Thanks for the link, Garrett, I'm going to be giggling all day.

Pacific Views (and half the rest of the blogosphere) links to Discovery Channels' silly new ads. I liked the Antlers one, but in the end it was the milk truck that I found funniest.

Sean Collins blog makes it through one year!

Newsarama reports on Even More Fund Comics. Considering how good the first volume was (it was excellent, go get it), this one ought to be a blast too. I'm looking forward to it already. And if you don't have the first volume in your library, your library isn't really complete.

Postmodernbarney manages to thoroughly confuse me in regards to the X-men costume changes, which I have been mostly ignoring. But it sounds like I'm not the only confused person. Dorian then goes into a nice commentary about being comfortable with what you read, which is uncomfortable reading for some. Er. Just go read it. I might be putting more into his words than he meant, but I it made me think. Go read.

Persistent Illusions points us to this Dork Tower strip about spammers.

Polite Dissent frightens us with tales of VA nurses. Oh. My.

Nasty purple TV dinosaur tries to steal domain name from Brit kid by same name. Via Metafilter.

Argh! Another person talking about the Alanis Morrisette Song "Ironic"! I still maintain that virtually all the situations mentioned in the lyrics could be ironic, but we aren't given enough information to be sure. Rain on your wedding day is not ironic. Rain on your wedding day if you moved the date to avoid bad weather is ironic. All the situations in the lyrics are potential ironies, which is in itself ironic.

A new political resource page, the dKosopedia, is a wiki format research center that's growing by leaps and bounds. Although it's linked to a liberal blog, it doesn't seem to lean too far left to me, though I've only spot-checked. I'm sure someone going in looking for something to complain about will find it.

A lot more on Tent City 4 in today's Seattle Times, including the problems they are working on solving. The reporter and his photographer spent two days living the in the camp. There's a few pictures of the camp, and a slightly misleading map (it shows where the church is, not where the camp is). I prefer my map.

The problems Tent City 4 are dealing with a pretty serious. The outstanding warrants mentioned in the last article have led the organizers to bar several people from the camp. They also kicked out a couple of residents for letting a barred person in to pick up his belongings, which seems slightly severe to me. I would call it bad judgement, not a serious crime. Beyond that, the camp seems to be working as planned, giving people a place to stay until they can get back on their feet. There's a touching story about a couple working on improving their lives and trying to get a church wedding.

For more information about the camp (including what and how to donate, if you are so inclined), check out St Brendan's Website.