Thursday, June 17, 2004

Random Thoughtlike Things

The Previews site at Diamond has updated and redesigned. The new order forms are up. The redesign threw me a bit. For a moment I thought I had gone to the wrong place. Unfortunately, they haven't increased the amount of stuff, just changed the design.

MLB Cartoon by Choi Hoon, as profiled in The Korea Times. Unfortunately, the cartoon is in Korean and I can't read it. Still, I've been looking for a cartoon/comic about baseball. At least there's something out there. Many thanks to Thought Balloons for the link.

The Leaky Cauldron points out a travel site that has a currency converter for the currency used in the Harry Potter universe. Thus I know the repairs on my van would have cost me 23 Gold Galleons, 15 Silver Sickles, and 11 Bronze Knuts.

Titanic in 30 Seconds (and re-enacted by bunnies). Via Nodwick.