Sunday, June 20, 2004

Random Thoughts

CrossGen files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, thus keeping the death throes up for a bit longer. It doesn't look like the folks who are owed money should plan on getting paid anytime. I was going to say anytime soon, but it really appears that those who were hit first and hardest are out of luck. Link via Grotesque Anatomy.

Mark Evanier also weighs in on the CrossGen situation.

Thanks to Garrett, I now have a Gmail account. If you feel like writing to it, I'm at Keep in mind the privacy concerns that have been brought up about Gmail, though. And yeah, I know I'm opening myself up to spam by posting the e-mail. As much as I hate spam, it's either that or hide away. I'm not inclined to hide.

Augie De Blieck Jr. has a bit on hybrid cars, particularly how they aren't living up to the promise right now due to low production and high demand.

Hubby-Eric wants me to link to these Quizes so he can take the "What Classic Movie Are You?" quiz. No matter how many questions I use, I always come out as Apocalypse Now. In the "What Famous Leader Are You?" quiz, I come out different every time... most often I'm Einstein, but I've also shown up as Gandhi and Che Guevara.

And hey, Happy Father's Day to my daddy and Eric's daddy too.