Friday, June 18, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 16 June 2004 - Part II

Plastic Man #7: Er, ok. This is a standalone story done by Scott Morse, in which Plastic Man helps Woozy to get a date. I wish I could say I thought it was great, but it was only a little amusing. Nicely done, yes, but the comedy seems to be a bit off. Mildly recommended. 3 1/2 starfish

Seaguy #2: The first issue I felt I enjoyed despite the weirdness because I started to take the universe it was set in on its own terms. I attempted to do the same with this one, but found that it disconnected itself too much. There are two jumps in the story that were annoying enough to distract me from even trying to figure out the universe. The art is absolutely gorgeous, but the last issue is going to have to have something spectacular to make up for the narrative holes in this one. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Birds of Prey, Another Nail, JSA, and Outsiders. I also still need to review Amazing Adventures From Zoom's Academy from last week, Green Mars, Hench, and True Story, Swear to God: 100 Stories.

I also need to point out H's review of Aquaman #19. I agree with him on 90% of his points. At least.

And, just for kicks I'll mention that I e-mailed my shop owner last night and asked her to add Ursula (MAY04 2205 $9.95) to my order and got confirmation this morning (thanks Paige) that it's added. I also looked at the Diamond Order Form for Jul/Sep and noted that in addition to Demo #10 there's Jax Epoch and the Quicken Forbidden Volume 2. Ouch... we're going into summer, Larry, my husband is a school teacher. We have no money for all these neat things you keep putting out...