PLEASE NOTE: Copies of these comic books will be available in participating comic shops on Saturday July 3rd 2004.
Archie: I was a Teenage Comic Book Character: Oh, I liked this one. Archie's friend Chuck Clayton is an artist who gets roped into drawing a comic book, but Archie insists on being the writer. The results are funny and effective at showing off what makes Archie comics cool. Another strong entry to free comic book day from one of the strongest publishers of comic books around. Gold Sponsor Book/This book is All-Ages.
IDW Sampler: This one comes with four different covers, but the interiors are all the same. The covers are "CSI", "The Shield", "30 Days of Night", and "24". There are samples of all four inside. And the samples are set up properly, too. Each one is only a few pages long, but they each start with a paragraph explaining the concept of the series. The samples give enough to get an idea of the art style as well as the plot, and each one leaves you hanging in a way that, if you like what you see, will make you want to purchase the book. After each story there is an ad for the books in the series so far, and at the end of the book is an order form. All-told, a very slick package. Gold Sponsor Book/This book is for Older Readers (13+).
Dr Chaos' Comic Cornucopia: I tried. I read as much of it as I could stand, then finally gave up. Not my type of book at all. But then, what do you expect from a book with a group called B.A.B.E. Force in it? Funny cover, but otherwise not a lot to recommend this one. Silver Sponsor Book/This book is for Adults (18+).
Still to review: Teen Titans Go, Duel Masters, Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, Image Comics Summer Special, Marvel Age Spider-Man, Wild About Comics, Adhouse Books Free Comic Book Day Comic, Arcana Studio Presents, Astonish Comics, Del Rey Manga Sampler, Best of Dork Storm Press, Johnny Raygun Classics, Keenspot Spotlight 2004, Sore Thumbs Election Special, From Pixels to Paper 2004, NBM Sampler, Adventures of Barry Ween, Love Fights/Everest, Amelia Rules!, and Top Shelf Tales.
Already reviewed: Alternative Comics, The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty, and Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures.
Not available to me for review: Back in Black: Brian Pulido Unleashed at Avatar, A Bunch of Baboons, Reggie-12, and Slave Labor Stories #2. Apparently Cancelled: Delicious Seasons.

July 3rd is the third annual Free Comic Book Day. Visit your local comic shop and ask (politely) for a free comic book.
Check with your local shop to see if there is any special event happening. The shop I buy my comics at is going to have a drawing for a $100 gift certificate. You have to physically go to Corner Comics on July 3rd to enter the contest, although you don't have to be present during the drawing to win. No purchases are necessary to enter the drawing, but you can get an extra entry for every $50 you spend!