PLEASE NOTE: Copies of these comic books will be available in participating comic shops on Saturday July 3rd 2004.
Teen Titans Go! #1: There's a reason I don't watch the Teen Titans cartoon much, and the same aspects of the cartoon I dislike are also here in this comic. The comic itself isn't bad, the artwork fits right in with the program and there is even the annoying little extra "super-d" Titans hanging out (annoying, but cute). It isn't the kind of book I like much. So, while this isn't bad for kids who like the show, I wouldn't recommend it to old fogeys like myself. Gold Sponsor Book/This book is All-Ages.
Marvel Age: Spider-Man #1: Is it the end of the world if I liked the Marvel offering for FCBD more than DC's comic? This is a really nice book, aimed at a younger audience than modern comics. It's fun, moves along, and it's done in one. It even has a back-up story. Makes me want to pick up more issues. This is a good one for the kids. Gold Sponsor Book/This book is All-Ages.
Image Comics Summer Special: Another sampler, this one has four characters on the cover and four samples inside. The Spawn sample is mostly text and gives the whole backstory to the character. It doesn't make me any more inclined to pick up the book. Another story apparently involves Witchblade, Tomb Raider, and something else. It doesn't make much sense. The best of the bunch is Invincible, which is actually a story that makes you interested in finding out what will happen to this character. The last story is Savage Dragon, and whether or not you like it depends on whether or not you like hokey dialogue. But for the Invincible story, I'd be neutral on this one. Instead, it's mildly recommended. Gold Sponsor Book/This book is for Older Readers (13+).
Still to review: Duel Masters, Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, Wild About Comics, Adhouse Books Free Comic Book Day Comic, Arcana Studio Presents, Astonish Comics, Del Rey Manga Sampler, Best of Dork Storm Press, Johnny Raygun Classics, Keenspot Spotlight 2004, Sore Thumbs Election Special, From Pixels to Paper 2004, NBM Sampler, Adventures of Barry Ween, Love Fights/Everest, Amelia Rules!, and Top Shelf Tales.
Already reviewed: Alternative Comics, The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, Archie, IDW Sampler, and Dr Chaos' Comic Cornucopia.
Not available to me for review: Back in Black: Brian Pulido Unleashed at Avatar, A Bunch of Baboons, Reggie-12, and Slave Labor Stories #2. Apparently Cancelled: Delicious Seasons.

July 3rd is the third annual Free Comic Book Day. Visit your local comic shop and ask (politely) for a free comic book.
Check with your local shop to see if there is any special event happening. The shop I buy my comics at is going to have a drawing for a $100 gift certificate. You have to physically go to Corner Comics on July 3rd to enter the contest, although you don't have to be present during the drawing to win. No purchases are necessary to enter the drawing, but you can get an extra entry for every $50 you spend!