Banned Books Week is coming up, so I visited the ALA Store to see what's new and found this cool Batgirl poster. It features Babara Gordon in her job as a librarian. It just brought home to me how wonderful the character really is...
Oh yeah, Banned Books Week is September 24-October 1 this year. The theme is "Elect to Read". And the ALA website needs a serious overhaul to make it usable.
Trash Heap is also covering Banned Books Week. To answer the question of how many of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000 have I read, only 15 for sure (and that includes series as a single book).
Lieber updates us to the status of the artists of Mercury Studios.
The folks behind the Scary Movie franchise want to poke fun at superheroes. Joy. The superhero movie boom is officially over.
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy is back.
"Hateriots Stole My Yard Signs". I may have to make a sign like this for my yard. Sign number 3 was stolen Sunday afternoon.
And to leave you with a picture, here's something from the Winchester Mystery House:
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