Monday, September 20, 2004

Rapid Reviews - Exercise Shows

Farscape [1-12]: Rhapsody in Blue: Lots of blue. This one was disturbing. The concept that memory can be altered like that so casually is a frightening one. The effect was blunted a bit by the humor when the other three are altered, but showing Crichton "alone" was effectively creepy. The end was strong, with Zhaan renouncing her calling. I wonder if that will come up later? 3 1/2 starfish

Farscape [1-13]: The Flax: Another strange episode. This one refers to Moya's pregnancy again. As a comic book fan, I like some continuity, but I also like the fact that it's not so totally ingrained that no one new to the series could possibly figure it out. While the characters are odd and certainly benefit from explanation, the show never seems to rely overmuch on the audience being completely familiar with what came before. In this episode, there's a bit of chemistry between Aeryn and Crichton. Nice to see, wonder if it'll grow into something more? 3 1/2 starfish

Farscape [1-14]: Jeremiah Crichton: I had to do a hunt to find out that the title references a movie about a hermit. That kind of ties in with John getting abandoned by Moya and crew. I liked how the "natives" mistake Rygel for a god, but it's not just a simple mistake. Nice twist on the usual silliness. And it was interesting to see more of Rygel's legacy. As unpleasant as he is, it is not at all surprising that there are dark marks on his people's history. At times you wonder if he is learning anything at all from his time on Moya. 3 1/2 starfish