Sunday, November 14, 2004

Random Thoughts

Here's a headline we see at least once every year, usually more often: New claim on location of Atlantis. Yes, yet another person seriously thinks they may have found the island that was the inspiration for Atlantis. Whatever.

Smell of Steve Comics, featuring "Black Aquaman".

Speaking of Aquaman, Will Pfeifer explains why Aquaman #23 wasn't written by him (down in the comments).

Comics Continuum reports that DC Comics books for February will be posted tomorrow. I think I need to turn in my November/January order.

Photoshop contest: World Run By Pirates. Arrrr!

And, speaking of pirates... Shipwrecks of Vancouver Island. Avast! Arrrr! Me Hearties!

Slashdot has stuff on the Hitchhiker's Guide Movie.

Idle odd thought: I was used to using IE as my browser, and seeing the "alt" tag from images show up as a mouse-over. I was surprised when Firefox didn't show it. Even a little annoyed. Until I found out that there is an HTML requirement that, if you want a text-over on an image you put in a "title" tag in the image. The "alt" tag is only for when images don't show up. I got used to a bug... but now I'm putting "title" tags in my images when I want something to show up. That was the Microsoft way... present people with a bug and claim it's a feature.