Monday, November 15, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 10 November 2004 - Part III

The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty #5: Our anti-hero trio heads toward the location of the Sleeping Beauty. But Cole is suspicious of the facts of the story told by Red. And there is some unfinished business between Cole and the man chasing the group. I'm really enjoying this title despite it being a western. The artwork is strong, and the characters keep me coming back. My only complaint is that the book seems to go by much too fast, not a valid complaint with a full 28 pages of story in this issue. 4 starfish

Colonia #11: NO!!!! Not a cliff-hanger! The story is pretty much reset for us at the end of this issue. We get an insane pirate barricading the town, we get Jack paying off his debt, and then we get a cliff-hanger. Still, I enjoyed it. This has been an interesting ride, and I look forward to seeing more of it. 3 1/2 starfish

Comic Book Digest #2: For $2, it's still a bargain. Unfortunately, I'm not all that interested in the stories and interviews. If I were more of a fan of Dreamwave and the other publishers, I would have liked this one enough to keep getting it. But I'm afraid I'm not that interested in them, so I'm reluctantly dropping this one. There's a lot of good stuff in here, but not enough for me. 3 1/2 starfish

Shipping this Wednesday: Clone Wars Adventures, Conan, Birds of Prey, H-E-R-O, JLA, JSA Strange Adventures, Teen Titans, Captain America, and Fantastic Four.