Still not training heavily for the 3-Day, but I have worked out a good 3 mile training walk after my walk on Friday.

See if you can follow me here. The walk down to the river trail from our house is a little more than a half mile. The closest point of the river trail to our house has a half-mile post on it, "9 1/2". When I walked on Friday, I took a slightly longer route home, and made nearly 2 miles out of it. So... if I walk down to the trail, walk back along it to milepost "9", then come back the way I did on Friday, it should be about 3 miles.
Yeah, I know. I'm thinking about it too hard. I should just get out and walk.
I'm starting "week 24" training today. They have a schedule on the 3-day website on how to get ready for the walk in 24 weeks. Starting with week 24, the easiest. Since I've still got 36 weeks (256 days) I thought I'd start with week 24 and take it easy while building up. Anyway, week 24 has two rest days, one crosstraining day, and four days of three mile walks. Because of my Monday swimming, today is crosstraining day. I will need to get the 3 mile walks in, and I'll report on those on Globlaag.
I still haven't gotten any actual donations, which really shouldn't worry me, but I'm a hyper and easily nervous person. If anyone is thinking about donating just $5 and wants to do it sometime in the next few days, that would give me a lift.
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