This is a bit of an odd one for me. David Baker is a long-time friend of my husband from his Wizard of Oz circles. David and I have gotten to be closer friends over the years because he's a comic book fan like me. I've started to order books for him and help him keep up on his favorite characters, most of the Marvel reviews I've been doing lately are due to David's orders, which he lets me read. David also suffers from a condition which makes it very difficult for him to talk clearly or move smoothly. Over the years he's managed to become quite an accomplished artist. When he last came over for an Oz party, he gave me this drawing of Aquaman. While it doesn't compare to the beautiful and detailed Wizard of Oz painting he gave us for our wedding, it is nice to finally have an Aquaman original by David Baker.

by David Baker
18 December 2004
(permission to post given 18 December 2004 in person)
The Saturday Sketch ™ is brought to you by the letters "D", "B" and the number "82", and also courtesy the fine artists who pour their lives into producing wonderful comic books, then come to conventions only to get asked by geeky fangirls for a sketch of Aquaman. Support an artist, buy a comic book.
Next week: a really odd sketch from San Diego 2000.
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