Here's an unusual one for you. David Goyer is more known for his writing than artwork, but when I met him in the company of the JSA guys. I showed off my sketchbook, and they all wanted to take a stab at Aquaman. This one is the most watery of the bunch, in my opinion.

by David Goyer
21 July 2000
(permission to post given January 2005 via e-mail)
The Saturday Sketch ™ is brought to you by the letters "D", "G" and the number "83", and also courtesy the fine artists who pour their lives into producing wonderful comic books, then come to conventions only to get asked by geeky fangirls for a sketch of Aquaman. Support an artist, buy a comic book.
I have no more permissions at this time. We'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks...
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