Saturday, January 15, 2005

Various Semi-Random Thoughts

After reading my thoughts on Aquaman, Ezrael takes a shot at listing the interesting bits of Aquaman's narrative.

Jeff Lester does a handful of reviews, including the latest issue of Aquaman.

Jeff Parker covers Day of the Dude at Mercury Studio. Fun read.

Johnny B discusses trade paperbacks and the drawbacks for a fan of the single issues of switching to waiting for the trade. Personally, until DC regularly collects Aquaman, there would be no point to switching to trades for me.

Will Eisner documentary, ten minute teaser.

Eric noticed a book at that he's sure I'm going to want to get. And he's right, I want it:


Yes, it's the next True Story, Swear to God collection: "This one goes to 11". It'll be out in May from guess who and I hope to get it soon after. Depends on the money situation.

And lastly, I know you are all fascinated by the weather out here, since my last weather post garnered a good number of comments for this blog. So here's the current situation.

As I was helping load the truck at work today, we walked outside and saw what appeared to be rain. After a moment, though, we could hear it skittering and bouncing. It seemed far too generous to call the tiny pellets "hail", so we decided that it was just "bouncy rain" and I should go home before it got dark and froze. By the time I got home, it was beginning to stick to dry areas. When I was at work it was pretty much melting as soon as it touched the ground. After a few hours at home, these pictures are what we were seeing.

Hardly enough to be called a snowfall, even by Seattle standards. It appears now, as I write this, that it's turned into a proper rain and what little stuck to the ground is melting. The key to travel over the next day and a half will be whether or not it manages to melt completely before it freezes, and if it will get warm enough tomorrow to thaw what does freeze tonight. Not that I care. I fully intend to remain home all day tomorrow.