Please remember to enter my Bloggity Contest if you'd like a copy of Colonia: Islands and Anomolies by Jeff Nicholson OR a page of original artwork from the series. Just write a micro-essay (not as easy as it sounds!) of no more than 50 words on why/how comic books are good as educational materials and send it to with a subject line of Bloggity Contest #1. The usage of "Biff!", "Pow!", "Bam!", or other sound effects will likely disqualify you from winning a prize.

Via Franklin's Findings, Ferret Press is also giving away comics. Hrmmm... I think their rules apply to my contest as well. Especially the "no whining" bit.
X-Ray Spex checks out novelty items, and it's fun.
Neil Gaiman puts up an Everything you wanted to know about literary agents post that is well worth reading for anyone who ever hopes to get a book published.
Really really big slow motion collision. Check out the graphic comparing the iceberg to Long Island.
Garrett Firzgerald links to an elaborate theory about the Harry Potter books. I'm skeptical, but it's a fun one to read anyway.
Lost information of the ancients found in a statue
Train hits pick-up sized rock, no one dies.
The snow is pretty much gone, but it lasted a couple of days longer than expected. The forecasts last night claimed it would snow today, but when I work up I listened and could tell it hadn't. Yes, just by listening. We live close to a couple of schools, and there tends to be traffic on our street first thing in the morning. I could hear cars driving by, and they were going a normal speed, so that was the first clue. Second clue was the lack of dripping sounds. Unless we get a blizzard, there is always running water around the house during a snowfall. In a blizzard, there are thumps of snow hitting the roof from the trees. No sounds, no snow. After I got up and checked, I could see I was right... and what little snow had remained from before was also gone. Checking the forecast, all I see for the next week is rain, rain, and more rain. Ah, back to normal.

And lastly, here's a picture from my front yard. Yes, it's a front-yard forest. I think the full picture is more enchanting, but this cut down version isn't too bad, either.
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