Thursday, February 03, 2005

Mongo-Random Thoughts Post

The Weekend section of Today's Seattle Times has an article about the Emerald City Comicon. The cover to the section is an annoying cartoon, even. And there's some celebrity tips on how to survive the con.

Check out the Benefit Auctions for Bill Loebs.

Near Mint Heroes reports on a couple upcoming comics, including AiT/Planet Lar's Filler. I find myself more interested in both books.

You can read the first chapter of Dragonsblood, the first Pern novel NOT written by Anne McCaffrey, on-line.

Your Mike Sterling link of the day. The new Mr Terrific is one of my favorite JSA characters.

The results of Polite Dissent's contest. I never could manage the Spiro Agnew angle, so my entry never got finished.

Speaking of contests, Trash Heap celebrates winning mine. The book went into the mail this morning.

And still speaking of contests, Four Color Meat & Fish has one going now, and it's even easier to enter than mine was.

Fanboy Rampage lays out the arguements for cheaper comics.

Sinister Ducks in Flash. Via Neil's Journal.

And... he swooshes it from the opposite side of the court. One of the coolest plays in basketball this year, and there's video of it. Via South Knox Bubba.

Cheerleader Tossing. Looks like she hurt her head going through the basketball hoop. Via Metafilter.

Tom Smith points us to Sphere XP, an alternative desktop to XP. As Tom says, you really need to run the videos to get the scope of the thing.

Sneak peek at Superbowl Ads. I will not be liveblogging the Superbowl ads this year because I'll be at the comicon. I might tape the game so I can check out the commercials, but don't count on it.

Speaking of the Superbowl, Thought Balloons reports that Marvel heroes will appear in a Visa ad. Maybe I will have to tape it...

Really really odd cyber-fish. Via The Modulator.

Nuns on Stools.

You can't take pictures of the Eiffel Tower at night.

Recordings of Bigfoot sounds. Perfect listening for your aspiring Cryptozoologist. Via Boing Boing.

An idea to save money for cities: go to open source software and you can hire more cops.

How to say "I love you" in more than sixty languages.

The History of Valentine's Day.