Thursday, February 17, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 9 February 2005 - Part III

JLA #111: "36 Hours: The Storm": Heh heh: "...the Fish Man. We got one of you back home, too -- only ours is, y'know, actually scary." heh. Nice use of other superteams in this one. In fact, it seems like the interaction between teams is one of the strong points of the DC Universe. I do kind of wonder exactly how the League, no matter how many members strong, is going to deal with the two threats they face. Looking forward to the next issue. 4 starfish

JSA #70: "High Societies": I've become a real fan of the modern Mr Terrific, and seeing how he deals with the past makes for a very cool story, in my opinion. Unfortunately, that's only a small part of the overall story, and it's easy to get lost when the writer is juggling so many threads. I keep forgetting which members are in the past. And we only get a couple of pages for each one. I wish each issue could have focused on the full adventure of one of the heroes instead. It's good, but difficult to follow. 3 1/2 starfish

Teen Titans #20: "Hiding": I went back and got this issue after I learned that Tempest is on the cover to issue #23. I'm glad I did. Not because any character I like appears, but because this is a well-written story about Robin dealing with his grief. And there was a small Black Manta reference that I didn't notice until I re-read the issue. A good tale. 3 1/2 starfish