Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Trailer... it wouldn't run on Firefox, I had to use the evil browser to watch it. But ... Zaphod's second head is DEFINITELY in there.

The NHL Season is Gone. No surprise.

This Metafilter article is one of the most fascinating reads I've enjoyed in quite awhile. And, despite the topic, it's worksafe! And, by fascinating read, I mean read the links in the main post. The one in which they track down Lena for a conference is just cool.

And lastly, I apologize for this, but I will be shortly testing Audioblogger here on Bloggity. It worked with Gjoblaag, so I'm presuming that it will work here too. If you see an audioblog and don't want to listen, be patient. I'll transcibe it when I get the chance. Probably. Unless it's really, really dumb.