Monday, March 07, 2005

Thoughts, Thoughts, Thoughts...

Clearing out my Bloglines saved notes:

Things That Go "Woof" In The Class. Hubby-Eric's encounter with a drug-sniffing dog.

Peter David blogs about Funky. In case you haven't seen it, the current storyline in Funky Winkerbean is about adult comic books. The storyline starts with March 3rd's Strip.

The set-up looks suspiciously like the Castillo case (summarized here), in which Jesus Castillo was arrested for selling an adult comic book to an adult, but the jury was convinced by the prosecution that comic books are only for kids, resulting in an unconstitutional conviction against Castillo.

The last Lying In The Gutters for some time. Where will all the fans get their rumors from now?

Tom Peyer points us to Color Photographs From WWI. I, too, didn't realize that there were any surviving color images from then. The ones I find most amazing are the ones that show the French soldiers bright red pants and hats from early in the war. Yeah, I'd guess they made good targets.

Garrett points us to some well done animation. Also check out his What's In Your Address Bar? meme.

Wil Wheaton is tired of Wesley being Star Trek's most annoying character, and urges you to vote for someone else. I voted for Neelix.

Slashdot reports on the leak of the first Doctor Who Episode, much of the ensuing discussion is about how the "leak" will boost ratings of the new show. I don't know if that's true, but I sure hope so.

Warren Ellis apparently got a copy and reviewed it (warning: mild spoilers). He reflects that maybe it's too English for the Sci-Fi channel, which is why they turned up their noses at it.

BBC news also covers the leak, with a huge spoiler in the article on the plot of the episode.

Networks don't want to air an anti-landmine commercial. Never mind that thousands of children live in these conditions daily, we mustn't let delicate Americans see such brutality, even toned down. Why, then they might do something about it.

Cat recognition software prevents cat from bringing animals into house.

Check out the cool CBC Archives.

Shredding Videos. The steel drum filled with concrete and the oversized tire were oddly satisfying to watch. Of course, after watching the shredding video you might be amused by the chicken catching video.

A Promise To My Grandfather. One of those must-read tales.

According to my stats, I have sold 3 copies of True Story, Swear To God: Chances Are... through my website. This is two copies more than any other book I've sold, and honestly more than I ever expected to sell, as I usually sell about three books each quarter, total. I hope that everyone who bought the book on my recommendation loved it at least half as much as I did, because that would mean you are buying True Story, Swear To God: This One Goes To Eleven.

And lastly... just give $5, and if enough of you do so, maybe I can make my goal. Help fight breast cancer, and give me another reason to keep walking.