Friday, July 29, 2005

Space Walk

I was just listening to NASA TV. They are getting ready for an EVA, and two of the astronauts are preparing to go out by breathing pure oxygen (to get rid of the possibility of getting the bends). Mission Control did a check on a step they weren't sure the astronauts had finished, and the two astronauts confirmed that it had been done. Then Mission Control said, in essence, "Great, have fun!" and the astronaut responded, "Yeah, we like breathing." Heh.

The high-speed uplink is running now, so we're finally getting images of the astronauts every once in awhile, although most of what we are seeing is images of the hull scan, since the mission purpose is to prevent another re-entry disaster. The EVA is going to be a test repair. They've put out tiles that were pre-damaged, and the astronauts are going to attempt several different methods of fixing them to see if any of them work.

If you want to watch, go to and follow the video link on the main page.