Friday, July 29, 2005

Random Thoughts (including comic book content)

Ok, so I'm still working on catching up with my comic book reviews, and I'm still way behind. I'm going to lose any cred I have as a comic book blogger if I don't get my rear in gear soon. In the meantime, here's some more semi-random thought-like things to enjoy.

Mike Sterling's Comics FAQ.

Tom Beland writes Spider-Man. Tom Beland's True Story, Swear To God is one of the best books available now, and I'm curious what he'll do with Spidey.

FilkerTom points us to the Ghost Rider Teaser Trailer.

Dorothy #1 goes into reprint mode with a new cover. I wonder if hubby-Eric wants the new cover?

Jake McKee's Quote of the Day: There is a very fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness.' - Dave Barry.

House of the Ded linkblogs a bit.

A timeline of Women in Space.

The true story of "Wrong Way" Corrigan.

PBS debunks Myths about Video Games. via Trash Heap.

FilkerTom directs us to much-needed stickers for people who don't know how to park their cars.

It's not a sunspot.

Londoners take to bicycles.

Avalanche of Superballs.

How to Crush A Tank Car. Ouch.

POLITICAL EDITORIAL: Boy Scout Jamboree vital for national security. Ok, I like the Boy Scouts. Both of my brothers were scouts, and I loved reading their copies of "Boy's Life" (particularly the comic strip adaptations of books) and learning about camping from their manuals. I think that, with the right leadership, Boy Scouts can be a wonderful tool for learning. However, there is no doubt in my mind that the Boy Scouts are a religious organization that should NEVER get any funding from the federal government. So I'm very disappointed, as a person who likes the Boy Scouts, to see them being given preferential treatment by our government. I don't believe that this treatment is moral, legal, or appropriate, nor do I think that the "reasoning" behind the decision is acceptable. Unless the Boy Scouts choose to open their doors to all beliefs and drop their religious teachings, they should not accept federal money or favors. Doing so undermines their own message, and makes them a pathetic parody of what they claim to represent.