Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday Cat Blogging (™ Kevin Drum)

I get to cat-blog today! This little darlin' doesn't have a name that I know, but I have called him (or her) a number of nasty names that I don't feel comfortable repeating here. This is that cat that leaves "cat seeds" in our planter box and muddy prints all over my van (even when it's been clear and dry for a week!). I often spot this cat skulking away from our yard as I drive up or chase it off my van when I come out to go to work, and I think he belongs to the neighbors right next door to the North.

I got these picture when I went out to document the decorations that greeted me when I returned from the 3-Day. The cat was very ready to run from me, but was curious enough to stick around when I didn't get in the car or shout at it.

There are a few more outdoor cats in the neighborhood, as well, so I'm not sure this is the only cat that uses my planter box as a deluxe cat toilet. But hey, I finally got a picture of the thing!