Hugo winners. Via FilkerTom.
Warner Bros has promised to fix a major error spotted by fans in the new Harry Potter movie. A promotional picture has Harry in front of a gravestone, but the names and dates on the tombstone are incorrect. In particular, Voldemort's dad has Voldemort's name. Oops.
Homebuying Advice from MetaFilter. And help on stopping new-style pop-ups from opening on Firefox. Via Various and Sundry.
How about legal movie downloads, instead of renting? I think the price point is too high, but maybe it will come down.
Remote Controlled Humans.
The Comic Treadmill is giving everyone a free trip around the world.
Pal Dorian (can I call him that?) finds "an illustration ... that nicely summarizes my distaste for the undergrounds." I agree completely.
Wizard World Chicago Photos: Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2. Comic Book Resources news index for the con.
The Dorothy folks tell us about Wizard World.
Speaking of the Dorothy folks, they made the cover to The Baum Bugle:

And there's a nice long article inside about them. Six full pages. There's more information about this issue of The Baum Bugle at The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Website.
Polite Dissent gives us an interesting sign.
Trash Heap has some links... including one to My Grandmother's Funeral, which I'm hearing a lot of good about.
Neil linked to some fascinating pavement artwork. I also like the bad tattoos using non-English characters.
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