Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Random Thought-like Things

Shane is linkblogging again.

Dark Horse for February.

Check out this excellent essay by Ian Brill about the nature of comics. There is much more to comic books than superheroes. And yet, it ok to enjoy the superheroes too. On a tangent, I've never understood people who think you should enjoy either Star Wars or Star Trek, and if you like one you can't like the other. Why should fans be so limited? Indeed, why do comic book fans tend to limit themselves and allow others to limit them? Comic books are a medium, NOT a genre.

Brian Wood updates us on the shipping status of Local #1. It will be in stores November 16th.

Eric Shanower will be speaking about the Trojan War at the University of Cinncinati on November 16, at 7 pm. I really wish I could go see that. I love Age of Bronze.

Back when I met the Penny Arcade guys, they were talking about a storyline they had in the works for ... something. It's now in the strip, the Elemenstor and his ambulatory dresser.

Congrats to Johnny B, whose NFL predictions this last weekend appear to have been very good.

Treating moviegoers as criminals, is it good business? I know that I can hardly stand to go to movies anymore because of the endless ads before the movie, but if someone tried to confiscate my phone, I'd probably never go back (especially since my phone doesn't have a camera and I always turn it off before the movie).

Congrats to Tom Peyer for a year of blogging.

Play RISK using Google Maps.

King Kong Trailer.

I was surprised to learn that some folks didn't realize that pirates still exist, and are a major danger for shipping crews.

History's worst computer bugs, including two that were lethal.

Huh, this is an odd case put before the Supreme Court.

Speaking of odd stories, this case, about a boy who found his biological father (who was an anonymous sperm donor) using the internet is a fascinating little tale.

Anti-Teenager device. I suspect it would bother me, too, as I can often hear high pitched sounds that other people can't hear.

The Vatican rejects "Intelligent Design". Of course, in Kansas, science isn't even science anymore. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is very angry with Kansas now.

A man too drunk to drive is hit by a car and killed while walking home. Oddly enough, this story proves that smoking will kill you.

One person can make a difference, but it would have been nice for this man if the government had done their job ahead of time, instead of waiting until his son died from their incompetence.

Ok... I recommend you read this, but take it with a small grain of salt. If it is true, and I'm not saying it is, but if it is true, then there is no way the US will ever "win" in Iraq. Period. End of story. We cannot win if the Iraqis associate us with their mortal enemies.

For my own information: Washington State Election Results 2005 and King County Election Results 2005.