Aquaman #38: "Kingdom Lost": Five pages in, and I was REALLY upset at Arcudi. Five pages in and I HATED this book. The poor guy has gone through abuse after abuse, and five page in he's... well, you'll have to read it. I'm not talking about Arthur. Well, besides that moment of pure "NOOOOO!!!!" this issue was very good. The flashbacks were well-done and non-intrusive. The art... notice that Mera, who was very sick, has gotten more and more like her old self as the issues progress. Her cheeks filled out and she started to look healthy again. Now, if only I knew why she decided to wear that stupid crown. But her progression from sick to healthy was nicely done. Yeah, despite the incident at the beginning, I liked this issue.
Day of Vengeance Special: "The Ninth Age of Magic": I read Aquaman first this week, then I read this. And I started to get an idea of what happened to Tempest in Atlantis. The Spectre took his magic, yes? But as Nabu kept saying, magic is about to change. The Tenth Age of Magic is about to begin in the DC Universe, will Tempest have a part in that? The last time Garth died, he was transported to a magical realm where he learned how to use his powers from Arthur's father. What if the magic has transported him again? And will the magic in the new Age take a new form? Will all the DCU magic users be affected? New powers for all of them? This book has raised lots and lots of questions, which I'm sure was the intent. I have to admit, I really like the Shadowpact team. Any team with a talking chimp is a good team. Maybe we'll be looking at the new series.

Superman #225: "To Be A Hero": This feels more like a Superman story to me, where everything is pulling together into the idea that heroes are heroes because they try to be better, not because they always are better. The bookends of this one were a bit touching, too... the Batman quote contrasted against the "What Would Superman Do?" concept. Eh, it's ok.

Superman/Shazam First Thunder #3: "Titans": A nice team-up issue with Superman and Marvel taking on Eclipso and Sabbac. I liked the main story ok, but it was what Sivana was up to that I found interesting. Not enough to love this book, but it was ok.

JSA #81: "My Heroes": This is Stargirl's story. Very much her story. We get her history in this issue, and a sense of her style. Not too bad.

Outsiders #32: "Detour": Mostly a wierd space battle that I don't find myself very interested in. The stuff that happened on Earth was mildly intriguing, but I'm not overly impressed.

Teen Titans #31: "Lost and Found": Can't Tula ever rest? I really get tired of dead characters being brought back. And Tula has been a zombie before. Ok, so it's made clear that Tula wasn't really there, just a body. But still! And what the heck was the Captain Carrot stuff about? I only bought this issue for the Tula appearance. It was a waste of money.

Justice League Unlimited #17: "Let Freedom Ring": Is there any hero that we won't see in this series? I love the fact that the Freedom Fighters show up. I love the way this ties into the TV series, as well, with the paranoia. It may be obvious, even cliche at times, but I love this series.

Spider-Man Unlimited #13: I got this one for the Aaron Williams story, and it mostly didn't let down. The ending was a bit silly, but then the whole story was a bit silly. There were only two stories in this one, and the second one was extremely gross. All-in-all, a nice bit of Spidey fun.

Lullaby #2: I wish this story would just hurry up and get told. I don't mind the art, it's very pretty, but I just want the story to finish. I'm not that interested in a hungry handbag. Still, this issue holds together better than previous ones.

All caught up. And it isn't even Wednesday yet. Heh.
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