Hey, let's see if I can get caught up on reviews to last month...
17 May 2006
52 Week Two: "Looking Back At Tomorrow": It's a puzzle, and we haven't got many of the pieces yet. While Booster seems to be the focus, I find Ralph's experiences far more intriguing. He's the guy I feel for. It's interesting that the vandal actually gave him something to live for, instead of just causing damage. The backup feature doesn't do anything at all for me, yet. I hope it'll get more interesting. Not bad.

Green Arrow #62: "An Eye for An Eye": Just a big fight between Green Arrow and Deathstroke. Definitely not the high point of the series so far.

Shadowpact #1: "Death in a Small Town": Tell me, is it a major continuity blunder that Superman appears, with his full powers, at the beginning of this issue? Or could this have happened before the crisis? Anyway, how can I not enjoy a book that has Rex the Wonder Dog show up? Definitely an intriguing start to this series.

Wolverine Origins #2: "Born in Blood Part Two": I'm not sure I get this. Wolverine used torture to program soldiers to commit atrocities in Vietnam... at the bidding of whoever his mysterious goal is? There's a story here, but I'm still not quite following it. Not enough pieces yet.

Wonderland #1: I still need to read the Alice books. Then I might have an idea of who Mary Ann is. For now, I'll just read and enjoy. It's a funny little book, but it runs along nicely and has a very wonderland-y feel to it. Looking forward to the second issue.

Conan #28: "Storyteller": This is a sad sort of story... the main character is not Conan, but a villager who longs for excitement. He gets more than he expects. Except for Rovann himself, the art feels a little off to me. But because the focus is Rovann, it actually works for the story. It's a sad story, but I liked it.

Paradox #3: This issue has the exact same problem as the first two: it needs a good editor and another draft or two. The story is still fun, the concept still excellent... but it really needs some polishing to work. It's a good book, but it could be a great book.

Fallen Angel #5: Events move forward a long way in this issue. In fact, I think this is my favorite issue of the entire series, DC and IDW, so far. We get the culmination of pretty much everything, and end on a new status quo. I'm looking forward to seeing how Jude deals with his new reality. Angel's theology is depressing, but a neat bit of philosophical ranting. I think Jude should know better than to ask a fallen angel about God. Lots of nice bits beyond that in this issue. Let's see where this book goes from here.

24 May 2006
52 Week Three: "New World Order": So, Alexander Luthor died in an alley with half his face burned off... but this Luthor is dead in perfect shape. Not the same guy? Or something else. I still feel like this book is setting up, not shaping. I want to see some shaping, darnit.

Birds of Prey #94: "Stolen Inferno": The frustrations of Shiva and Black Canary both start to reach boiling point in this issue. I'm not sure how they are going to get out of this. Canary can't let the child become the next Shiva, and Shiva isn't going to tolerate Canary's requirements. Still one of the best of the OYL titles.

Secret Six #1: "Exposed": I very much liked the Secret Six mini during the event, so I have big hopes for this mini as well. In this book we learn that the society is still active, which we'd heard in other books as well... but this book gives us a look at their fractured nature now. This issue wasn't great, it was mostly set-up with a shot of action at the end, but it'll do. Looking forward to the next issue.

Green Lantern #11: "Revenge of the Green Lanterns": That has got to be one of the oddest covers I've seen in a long time. Exactly what are they doing? This is a story of Hal trying to redeem himself after his crimes. I think I might be able to like it, but I need to see more before I forget what came before.

JSA Classified #12: "The Fall and Rise of Vandal Savage part three": I can see that we're trying to be given this whole sense of Vandal's history and all... but this story could really have used some serious editing to reduce the duration. In this case, decompression doesn't seem to be serving it. I want a shorter story.

Batman #653: "Face the Face part 6 of 8": This issue is entirely about Harvey making a decision about the future. It's got some flashbacks, and a somewhat gruesome scene involving acid. It's a very depressing issue.

Checkmate #1: "The Game of Kings Part #1": As soon as we learned that Alan Scott was part of the new Checkmate, we picked up the first issue. And the second issue was already out, so we got that too. As an added bonus, my second favorite JSAer, Mister Terrific, is also part of the team. I'm not sure what to say about this book except it's a complicated read with too many characters, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it about as much as I do JSA.

Checkmate #2: "The Game of Kings Part #2": Kobra, Checkmater, massive political intrigue, and a couple of heroes in the middle of the insanity. I'm waiting to see if it pulls together in my mind, or if I'll have to keep rereading.

Squadron Supreme #3: "International Incidents": huh. The way she overcame The Voice's power was quite a hint into the nature of the character. There were a lot of clever bits in this issue, and a few that made me grumble. Not a bad issue overall, but far from the greatest book I read this week.

Powers #18: The opening monologue finally fits into the storyline directly. We actually get the resolution of the latest murder investigation in this one, but hopefully we'll move into the solution to Deena's problem soon. Still a good, if often difficult to read, book.

Conan: Book of Thoth #3: "The Serpent Rises": An origin tale that Howard never wrote, but a good one. Thoth sets up a puppet ruler through his magic, while Kalanthes sits around not figuring it all out. It's depressing to see how Thoth accomplished his conversion of the people to Set. After convincing the ruler to send armies on foolish missions of conquest, the people were beset by outside enemies to the point where they were terrorized, then they willinging followed the leader who promised to deliver them from the terror that he himself caused. It's an ancient pattern, and it still holds true in reality as well as fiction.

Age of Bronze #23: "Betrayal 4": This issue shows the Trojan side of things as the battle draws near. There isn't a lot I can intelligently comment on about this issue... expect it is excellent as usual. Shanower has given life to these cardboard characters and made them something more than players in an ancient drama. They have motivations, fears, goals. And for the first time I'm seeing all that. If you have any interest at all in the Trojan War, BUY THIS BOOK.

Nope. Still not up to last month yet. There were a LOT of books out in those couple of weeks! I'm drowning in comics! Help! Ok, right... back to the stack. May 31st coming up...
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