Finally getting into last month's books. I've promised myself that I won't be reading this week's books until I get within a week or two of the current week. Which means I'll continue to review books rapidly until I get caught up.
31 May 2006
52 Week Four: "Dances With Monsters": This one seems to be focusing a little on Renee, though what's happening to Steel is fascinating. And the return of some of the heroes, too. Maybe we'll finally learn what happened to Alan's eye. In fact, this is the best issue so far. It feels like the book is hitting its stride and the pieces are starting to fall into place. There's a lot more to go, sure, but we're finally starting to get some shaping of the DCU here.

Ion #2: "Torch Bearer Part 2": Kyle Rayner, out of his head and hurting people. Most powerful weapon in the universe, and he doesn't know what he's doing? ug. Not my cuppa.

Action Comics #839: "This Look Like A Job...": Nice to see Superman overwhelmed by his own powers. Makes you think about it, a bit. I'm still not sure what Luthor is up to, although I get all the references and such. That last panel definitely gives an idea of it, though. This has been a fun ride.

JLA Classified #21: "After The Fire!": This was a very bumpy story, but it ended nicely. I like the method that J'onn used to rid people of the virus. The final few pages, with Batman, were excellent. This won't go down as one of my favorite JLA stories, but it's not too bad.

Crisis Aftermath: The Spectre #1: "Dead Again Part One": I haven't yet read the Gotham Central books that lead up to the death of the character that the Spectre joins with, but this book gives a nicely solid overview of what happened so I don't have to wonder too much. In fact, that's pretty much all this issue is: an overview of what has happened before to get everyone up to speed. Lots of seeds planted in this one, I hope to see some of them sprouting in the next issue.

Warlord #4: The artwork is too sketchy, the storytelling is lousy. Only by reading the text closely can I figure out what is going on, and even so I can't understand half the happenings because the art is too weak. This is pretty much my definition of a bad comic book. And that's a shame, because I really wanted to like it.

Local #5: "The Last Lonely Days At The Oxford Theatre": This is the first issue of this book that I really didn't like. Megan is playing mind games, and she does it poorly. While I generally like this book, this issue just didn't connect with me at all.

Mouse Guard #3: "Rise of the Axe": Well, this is a fine mess they've gotten into! This is a great book, well worth checking out. My only complaint is that I wish each book would go on a lot longer. The lavish art allows for a limited amount of story per issue, but if you really think about it, each issue has as much or more movement as a comparable superhero book. Anyway, go flip through this book. I recommend it.

7 June 2006
52 Week Five: "Stars in Their Courses": I like the opening scenes, with Ellen Baker waiting for Buddy to come back. I'm guessing Steel is wearing his armor to disguise whatever was happening to him in the last issue. And Alan's explanation doesn't make sense, but I don't think it's supposed to... yet. This is more like what I expected to see from this series.

Wonder Woman #1: "Who is Wonder Woman?": I thought Donna Troy was off learning about the universe in the back pages of 52? And is it just my imagination, or does that final page evoke some old Wonder Woman comics in which Diana Rigg seemed to be more in vogue than Diana Prince? I know who the three villains Donna faces are, but who is Nemesis? And why does he deserve his own logo? And, yes, where is Steve Trevor? Interesting start.

Detective #820: "Face the Face part 7 of 8": Nice battle at the beginning. It always seems cool when a writer manages to make Batman chatting with someone while fighting work. The rest of the story seems to be a pretty basic look at the news of Harvey's regression. Not wonderful, but not bad.

JSA #86: "Where Highwaymen Rode": I like the flashbacks to Jim as usual. I also like the way the whole thing is coming together, including why The Gentleman Ghost worked on getting them to England. And I like Ma Hunkel smacking the Ghost. Go Ma!

Justice League Unlimited #22: "Outside Looking In": I like this one, as it shows Gypsy's skills off, and makes her look pretty cool while doing it. This is a strong issue, and I like seeing these and hope to see a lot more like them. This may well be the strongest DC book available, and certainly the strongest all-ages book they put out.

Manifest Eternity #1: This seems to be a book about prejudice, at least at first. But then it turns into a multiverse spanning war. I'll wait and see on this one, but so far it doesn't have a lot to recommend it, in my opinion.

Noble Causes #20: Slightly better artwork than the last issue, but I still can't tell Race and Rusty apart. Still, it's an improvement. I'm curious to see what Rae really is, and hope we get answers for that one. And what is Slate up to, anyway?

It would be easier to catch up if I didn't have a dozen books a week I keep reviewing.
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