Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Random Thoughts

What are the odds that a stolen ID card would be presented to its owner, a waitress, as somebody else's ID?

Lots of folks are linking to the Hello Kitty Vader, but the source is here. It's a photoshop job.

Snopes has information on free military shipping kits and personalized postcards to the troops. I don't support the war, but I have nothing against the men and women who volunteered in good faith to protect their nation.

Mah Two Cents gives us the best last lines of the movies. Come up with your own! Astound your friends! Impress the kids! (actually, I really did like "lens cap")

ASCII art from 1939. Via Augie (check out the other links there, too).

I want. Of course, I need a sidewalk project to put them into... so I don't need. Just want.

What's playing right now? A map of what songs are playing on radio stations around the country.