Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm guessing if you are a comic book fan, you are reading Journalista every day, but for those who aren't, today's entry has a number of good links. Two I want to point out are the news of Stephen Wacker leaving DC, and the DRMed mess that is Windows Vista. Yeah, I think I need to move over to Linux as well.

As for that Newsarama thread, The Beat sums up all the important bits for you.

Howling Curmedgeons on Civil War and the current state of comic books.

Sarah Jane gets own Series. If you aren't a Doctor Who fan, just skip this link.

Boing Boing links to the real story of "Tokyo Rose".

Olympia to Seattle in two minutes via Super-8.

Shaun Alexander tries to defeat the Madden Curse, but CT scans don't lie, and the coach wasn't buying it.

Zombie Rights March Protested by Pirates. The headline is simply too good to pass up.

This is no surprise: Too much testosterone kills brain cells.

Giant Earwig on Google Maps.

International Volleyball. No, really. International.

Spanish Flu Understood, 88 years later. The flu triggered an immune system response so powerful that healthy bodies were destroyed by their own immune systems. Which is why the young were affected so dramatically by that particular variation of the flu.

Is Obesity a Disease? I tend to believe that there are cases of obesity that are caused by something other than simple overeating. However, my own experiences with weight loss recently are forcing me to confront some painful truths and deal with long-held beliefs. I know women who cannot do what I'm doing with weight loss... but I'm actually succeeding where I was certain I would fail. I'll follow these stories, but I'll never forget how I was and how I am.

Is it a cat, or just a box?

I Love Banned Books