I haven't done this for awhile, but it's that time again... time for "Things in Previews That Look Interesting But I Can't Afford To Get (with a list of things I am getting just for contrast)". I'm going to start with the bulk of the book, and then come back and cover the "big four" at the end. Please remember, I'm listing what looks interesting. My actual purchase list is going to be much smaller. The numbers after each title are usually the page number in Previews Magazine, so you can follow along at home.

Moving on, let's hit the Splash Page (8-9)...nothing that appeals to me. I'm felling picky today. This could be bad news for finding interesting stuff.
Ok... skipping over the frontal four, and into the main chunk of books... absolutely nothing in the Featured Items made me look twice. The only thing that caught my eye at all was the Phantom Annual, and that only because I have a friend who really loves the character.
Airship Entertainment (214) is offering the trades of volumes 3 & 4 again. That's just due to them selling out constantly. They've been having trouble keeping the books in stock, which is always a mixed blessing. The B&W omnibus should be coming out soon... well, in a few weeks. It'll make a great gift for the holiday of choice.
Another publisher putting out more previously published material is AiT/Planet Lar (214-215). 1000 Steps to World Domination is one of those I haven't quite gotten around to yet that I want to read. The Black Diamond: On Ramp is in the same category, but not as high on my list. Smoke & Guns bothered me, but it was still good, somehow. And True Story, Swear to God: 100 Stories made me buy all of Tom Beland's stuff. Huh.

They also have a 2-pack of the fantasy classics Alice in Wonderland and Oz: The Manga. I bought both in serial format and enjoyed them both.
Archaia Studios Press (226-227) has the final issue of Mouse Guard. I await in anticipation.
Dynamite Entertainment (258-260) is publishing a TON of licensed stuff right now. Wow. At some point hubby-Eric and I ought to watch the new Battlestar Galactica, then we might read some of the comics... And I've always liked Highlander... then, of course, there is Xena. At the moment, though, I haven't gotten any of them.
Up next is Dork Storm Press (274), and the wonderful Nodwick #36. Well, at least I think it'll be wonderful.
Evil Twin Comics (278) has two Action Philosophers collections. This is a book I highly recommend, and getting the collections would be a great way to have these books.
Up next is Fantagraphics and Castle Waiting Vol 2 #4. I love this book, and I'm eager to see the next issue.

The other offering is the Dorothy Necklace. I have one of these. As hubby-Eric pointed out, it was only the third piece of jewelry he ever bought for me. The other two were rings. That's gotta count for something, right?
Flipping... flipping... ok, pages 466-467 have all Doctor Who stuff. For the first time in my memory, Doctor Who is really popular. Neat. We'll have to see if we can afford any of these.
Back to the front of the book, now.
Dark Horse has a book called Alice in Sunderland (27) by Bryan Talbot. Tempting, but not at that price.

I'm not sure why, but I find the cover to DCU Infinite Christmas Special to be oddly sinister. We'll also get the FIVE Green Lantern related books. Ack. Another book that looks good is The Spirit #1. We'll probably check it out. Freaky cover to Astro City
Image Comics has a Wonderful Wizard of Oz (138) graphic novel that hubby-Eric has been looking forward to getting. I think I maybe ought to order it. And there's a new issue of Age of Bronze (147). And more True Story Swear to God.
No comments on Marvel, since they insist on making me read a different book to read their previews.
And there it is... I'm finally all the way through. Huzzah. So that's it for this month's "Things in Previews That Look Interesting But I Can't Afford To Get (with a list of things I am getting just for contrast)". Comments? Questions? Did I miss any really cool books that you know about and would like to point out? Do you disagree with something I wrote, and want to correct me? There's the comments, right below. Post something. And, yes, I accept review copies. I'm willing to give almost anything a try.
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