I'm reading every Aquaman solo adventure in publication order. After I read each story I will post the cover/splash page and a few thoughts on the story.

Aquaman vouches for an ex-PT Boat captain who gets a job as master of a cargo boat, but then becomes dangerously reckless and requires Aquaman to rescue him.
Finny Friends Report: Aquaman rides his sea cow again in this story! Yay! Aquaman has octopi replace the broken propellers on Alan's ship after he breaks them by racing into an ice field. When a waterspout threatens the ship, Aquaman has jellyfish seal the boat and whales drag it underwater to protect it from the storm.
Quotefile: Opening text box, "Alan Doktor had been the bravest and boldest PT Boat pilot in the service! That's why Aquaman King of the Seven Seas, personally recommended Alan to become the skipper of a cargo ship! But the sovereign of the deep was soon to regret his kindness, when the ex-hero became... "The Daredevil of the Seven Seas!""
As is often the case in these old tales, things are not what they seem. And when down-on-his-luck Alan mopes around the docks after being fired for recklessness... well, that's when the real story starts. Aquaman never worried about maintaining his reputation in the pursuit of justice, and it seems that Alan is cut from the same cloth.
Have you read this story? What do you think?
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