Saturday, April 18, 2009


Tiny Titans #14 Cover. Aw Yeah, Titans!
I love this sequence from Tiny Titans so much, Art drew Inky into my sketch of Aqua-Ohs.

Why yes, he is OUTRAGEOUS! He'll call this one the adventure of the reviewer who got it right.

Classic letters to the Editor of the Silver Age.

The New Robin Revealed.

James Kolchaka invents videogame in nightmare, then fan makes the game in real life.

I only just heard about The Periscope Coup. It takes some effort to read, but it's really funny if you know the folks involved.

2009 Eisner Award Nominees. Yay everyone!

Mythbusters become window busters.

Top Ten Confusing Place Names.


Want to know what's on the other side of the planet from where you are? Check out the Antipodes Map.

LOLCat Theology.