TV this week:
- Primeval: "Episode 21" - Wow, Abby's brother is a serious twit. First what he did to Rex, then his actions in this episode. As for the episode itself... major plot hole? (SPOILER ALERT!)What happened to the giant insect that was already through the anamoly?(END SPOILER) Overall I enjoyed the episode, but not as much as previous ones, mostly because I really don't like Jack.
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold: "Duel of the Double Crossers!" - Ah, we start with the Outsiders in the pre-credit sequence. Fun! And the main theme: Hex! I like the way the time travel is nicely explained using Mongul. And the ending confrontation was just lovely.
- The Next Food Network Star: "Holidays with Giada" - I like Jamika and Debbie. What Brett did in that final evaluation was horrid. I was not surprised by the result.

- Captain Britain and MI13 Annual #1 - Yay, a Doctor Who reference on the first page! I think I followed what was going on, but I'm not sure what to make of it.
- Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three #2 - SHIELD versus Kobra? Of course, all that is only a backdrop to the stroy of Charles and Royal.
- Green Lantern Corps #37 - Up-the-nose shot on the cover... not my favorite ever. Ah, Daxamites under a yellow sun. What will happen with that, I wonder?
- JSA vs Kobra: Engines of Faith #1 - Ah, yes, THIS is Kobra. I was hoping for a JSA story, but this seems like it's going to be a Checkmate story as well.
- Super Friends #6 - Ok, that was fun. Love the Aquaman dress-up doll! I also loved Aquaman and Superman's reaction to their villains.
- DMZ #42 - The sadness in this tale is painful to read. But it will be interesting to see how this one plays out. We've seen part of the ending, but there's a definite choice there. I wonder which way it'll go?
- Doctor Who Classics: Series 2 #7 - The end of the Tides of Time was ok, but the following tale was so much better after all that high concept muckity-muck. Give me a UFO nerd on a derelict any day!
- Doctor Who: Autopia - This one feels very much like a classic Tom Baker story. Donna's role was lots of fun. I want a lot more stories like this.
- Muppet Show #3 - Didn't one of the movies tackle what Gonzo is? My main complaint with this book is that the music was so much of the original show that no matter how good the book is, it can never convey the sounds well enough for me to love it like I loved the show.
- PS238 #39 - oh. oh oh oh. Oh I loved this issue. The guest appearances were just perfect. And the redesign of Moon Shadow's outfit for the adventure was a nice touch. More please!
This week's movie was Gulliver's Travels, 1996 mini-series starring Ted Danson. We watched the second episode, in which Gulliver visits Laputa and the Country of the Houyhnhnms. These are the lands most unfamiliar to folks who haven't read the book. In Laputa, Gulliver meets a people who are so obsessed with science that they can no longer run their country. While trying to find his home, Gulliver is captured by a magician, then immortals. He finally gets on a ship toward home, but misfortune again sends him to another island, where he meets the Yahoos. Gulliver tells his final story in the hearing to determine whether or not he should be released. A nice a slightly stunning development occurs at the end. Overall a very good adaptation of a difficult work.
My library book this week was An Autumn War by Daniel Abraham. I got this along with last week's book, A Betrayal in Winter, through interlibrary-loan. I have the fourth book on "order" through the library for when it comes out (and my hold comes up). This book is set 15 years after the last one, so each book in this series is set 15 years apart and follows the lives of the same two men. Although our guys had a considerable amount of closure in the last book, this book tosses everything up in the air again. By the end of the book I was saying, "wow" to myself over and over, because I know of very few authors who are nearly as cruel to their creations while still being true to the spirit of their story. Definitely looking forward to the final book, because I honestly cannot imagine where it will go from here.
Note: Here's another review of the series. I may have been inspired to pick them up from this review, I'm not sure.
Agatha Christie this week was Sad Cypress from 1940. An heiress is accused of murder, and Poirot is called in to find the truth. This has some strange twists. The opening of the story is in the courthouse with the accused on the stand, from her point of view. The reader has to wonder, based on what we get of her thoughts, whether or not she is the murderer. It's hard to tell, and Christie keeps us guessing until nearly the end. There's a lot in this story about intent and desire, and if I say much more I'll certainly give away the big secret. But this was another engrossing mystery, and somehow managed to be different from all the rest of her stories. Not bad.
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