Saturday morning, I got up and took a couple of pictures of the fence. First up is the fencing as it leaned against the shed. The fence-like bit to the right in the picture is my temporary pallet fence.

Next image is the top bar of the fence. This was how much they got done on Friday. Early in the morning, the fence was still in the shade, so they tried to get as much done on it during that time as possible.

As the shade retreats, the guys (Hubby-Eric and his dad) managed to get the center and bottom bars installed.

After they finished getting the bars secured, they hung the fencing on nails from the top bar.

And these last couple of pictures were taken today. The fence is up. Little dogs and cats can get under the fence (as I discovered when I took this picture), but the larger children who were bothering me would have to climb it.

I eventually plan to have some clinging vines growing on the fence (that's what it's designed for), and some of the larger gaps under the fence will be filled in somehow. I have lots of ideas but haven't decided exactly how I'll do it yet.
Once I have something growing on the fence, I'll take more pictures and post 'em. But for now, I'm just delighted to have a fence.