One of the arborvitae is dead. Completely deceased. There's not a chance of reviving the poor thing. I would take a picture of it, but I'm ashamed of the fact that I didn't mow today and get the weeds knocked down around it.
The One Dollar Tomatoes had me very depressed, because I thought they weren't growing much. But today I took a picture and when I compared it with the one from two weeks ago I realized the things have been growing like... well, plants. The ones on either end aren't growing as well, but even so I'm going to need to transplant the two small ones from the doubled up pots soon.

There's a tiny chance I might even get tomatoes from these guys this summer, though I'm not counting on it. If I do, I'm going to be impressed with that Target $1 Tomato set.
And lastly, my plum stick. It's still not quite a tree, but it's getting closer. There's actual branches starting to grow out of it as you can see in this image. That top leaf is beginning to look a lot longer than just a leaf.

I might have fruit in five years after all! Hopefully the weather will cooperate and tomorrow I can mow the lawn. We've had one of the wettest springs on record here in the valley, so keeping plants hydrated outside hasn't been an issue, but keeping the weeds down has been difficult.
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