Batman Adventures #2: I have said that I don't read the regular Batman books because of the continuity. It's clear from the second issue of this new Batman Adventures that this book plans on having some continuity. However, it's fairly minor, and both the main story and the back-up story introduce the concept as well as build on it, which is all I could ever hope for in a comic book. The stories stand alone as well as part of the larger story-arc. That's what's important.
Birds of Prey #55: I really am just counting time until the new creative team takes over... and that happens next issue, thank goodness! This one is a little better than the last couple of issues, at least. So, on to Gail Simone's version!
Amazing Spider-Man #53/494: What can I say? This is a consistently solid book. I like JMS's Peter Parker, I like the moral dilemma, I even like the cliche mob-boss' daughter bit. I think, despite my intense dislike of Jemas' Marvel, I'll keep getting this book as long as JMS is writing it.
A note on the numbering of Amazing Spider-Man: Apparently Marvel is going to dump the "new numbering" and go back to the "original numbering" on this title. That means that, starting with issue #59, the book will officially be at #500 instead. While I thought the original move to restart their high-numbered books was idiotic on Marvel's part, I'm not sure that restoring the high numbers is any more intelligent, as it makes the titles difficult to track and brings back the original problem that Quesada and Jemas claimed was the reason for dumping high numbers in the first place (new readers will be frightened by the high numbers). Well, we can expect such stuff from Marvel as long as it's the Quesada and Jemas show.
Still to review: Green Arrow, Crossovers, the Smallville comic book, and the Smallville TV show finale.
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