Wednesday, May 28, 2003

While I'm Busy Not Saying Anything...

Go visit Spinsanity. They seem to be as balanced as I wish I could be. Of particular interest is a sick misrepresentation of Bush's statements by New York Times Columnist Maureen Dowd, who is an insult to all columnists and reporters thanks to this story. There's also a nice summary of the war spin there. Oh heck, just read the whole site. It's worth it no matter what your point of view is. I wish these guys ran the newspapers.

I chose my nickname for the internet based on seeing a couple of episodes of Doctor Who. The character of Tegan seemed to fit me. She was uncertain, thrown into situations that she didn't like or understand, but she kept going and never shut up. She listened, she watched, but she never let a chance to let her opinion be known go by. I never suspected I would fit my handle so well, but over the years I've grown to be more like Tegan. I might as well die before I shut up. Even if I don't necessarily know what the heck I'm talking about.

Tegan was also a bit of pessimist. Strange, how well that name fits me.