Sunday, July 27, 2003

Ah, Rest.

The pugs have been mostly good today. Buddy spotted other dogs on the late afternoon walk and went into his 'macho pug' stance. It was too hot for too much macho posturing, though. I noticed that Buster managed to find any pug-sized shaded areas to walk in, even when I had to walk in the sun.

Eric is in the air as I write this, apparently getting close to Seattle if the flight-tracker is telling the truth. I have a very small desire to go out and see if I can see his plane coming in. Like I'd be able to identify it. No guarantee that it will even fly over Seattle to come into the airport from the North.

Just before Hubby-Eric left home the other day, he turned off his computer. I was on my computer composing a blog entry. For some reason, the entry didn't save properly, and I lost it. When I wandered home the next day to get the mail and newspaper, I tried to access the internet from my computer, but couldn't connect for some reason. After trying everything I could on my computer, I went to check the cable modem and router. Duh. They were off. They were apparently connected to Eric's power strip, so when he turned off his computer, he cut off my connection to the 'net. Ooops. I decided to not bother turning it all back on, but I've been thinking of how to tell him nicely that he made me lose a blog entry without going into "annoying nagging wife" mode. Heh. Maybe this will do it.

I've been re-reading the Vorkosigan series by Bujold. Fun stuff. I just finished "A Civil Campaign" which is wildly romantic as well as incredibly funny. In fact, it was much more amusing on this re-read as I got some of the nuances I think I missed the first time I read it. The best part of the book is the dinner-party-from-heck, in which everything that can possibly go wrong, and a few things that couldn't go wrong, manage to explode in the most delightfully twisted way possible. It all culminated in the arrival at the end of the party by some impartial observers whose comments on the proceedings made me laugh so hard the pugs were frightened. I had remembered enjoying the book when I first read it, but I don't remember it being nearly so funny. Maybe I'm just finding it easier to laugh at stuff these days.

The flight tracker says that Eric's flight is on the ground. I'm just waiting now for him to call. I will then rush down to the airport in Sunday evening traffic to pick him up at the baggage claim. Better that than waiting just beyond the security checkpoints at the airport. I hated that, the last time I went to pick him up after a flight. There was no place to sit, and a ton of people waiting for a ton of flights. It was nutty.

Well, I guess I'd better be ready for that call. Until next time...